Off-the-shelf Courses to Suit Every Need
Our e-learning course library offers a fast and cost-effective way to provide training in leadership, emotional intelligence, sales, sales management, customer service and more.

Rapidly train and develop your people with off-the-shelf e-learning programs that are interactive and engaging.
We recognise that not every organisation has the need or budget for a customised training solution, which is why we have developed our range of off-the-shelf courses.
Off-the-shelf courses are a great option for organisations looking to quickly provide their learners with on-demand courses created by industry experts. Our ready-to-use e-learning course library has been carefully curated based on 20+ years of experience as learning consultants.
Pick and choose from our wide range of on-demand courses to best match your specific learning needs. Not sure what you need? We can assist with a learning needs analysis.

Convenient and ready to use
Each of our on-demand courses offers an engaging and interactive experience, based on the most recent research, making this off-the-shelf e-learning option an affordable and effective learning toolkit.
Building custom employee training courses takes time and resources. Our on-demand courses are ready to deploy, resulting in faster time to training, so you won’t lose time to development and implementation. Let us do that hard work, while you focus on your learning priorities.

Extensive e-learning course library
Select from an ever-growing e-learning course library of over 80 courses, covering leadership, emotional intelligence, wellbeing, customer service, sales and sales leadership. Suitable for all industries and sectors.

Create your own bespoke program
Plug our off-the-shelf courses directly into your existing development programs. Mix and match from our e-learning course library to design a bespoke program that meets your learners’ unique needs.

Choose where to host
Utilise our Learning Management System (LMS) or host courses in your own LMS.
Our off-the-shelf courses work on any Learning Management System (LMS) that complies to SCORM standards.
Our award winning LMS can be white-labelled and provides extensive reporting capabilities.
Looking for off-the-shelf courses that are branded to the look and feel of your organisation? We can also custom brand our on-demand courses to include your logo, imagery and colours. Ask us how!
Need more information or can’t find the course you want? Contact us today.
Find Out About Our Online Programs
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