Custom E-learning Solutions for Every Organisation
What We Offer in Our Customised Solutions
Choose custom online courses from a growing catalogue, covering leadership, emotional intelligence, wellbeing, customer service, sales and sales leadership. Suitable for all industries and sectors.
Choose the level of customisation and interactivity to suit your needs and budget. We comply with your brand guidelines.
We’ll work with you to ensure the content and scenarios are directly relevant and recognisable to your audience by reflecting your working practices and environments.
We take a flexible approach. We can accommodate clients regardless of their location, training goals, or requirements. We’ll adapt to your needs and preferred ways of working to deliver effective learning solutions.
Use our Learning Management System (LMS) or host courses on your own. Our award winning LMS can be white-labelled and provides extensive reporting capabilities.
We have experience in of custom e-learning content development across a wide range of industries, including banking, government, not-for-profit, mining, energy and insurance.
How We Work With You To Create Your Solution
Contact us to discuss your needs
Complete the contact form below and a member of our team will contact you within 24 hours. They will help you select the courses and level of customisation that is right for your business and required learning outcomes.
Customise Your Selected Courses
We work closely with you (and business subject matter experts where applicable) to build your custom e-learning solutions, involving you at every step.
Start learning!
Host courses on your LMS or ours. Mobile friendly, so you can access courses anywhere, anytime!
Read About Others Who We’ve Helped
“The Adaptable Learning Partner Program is all about meaningful and lasting coaching and development of sales teams…”
– John F Powers | President & CEO | Power Up Sales Consulting

Accelerated Sales & Leadership Institute have been an authorised partner with Adaptable Learning since 2019. In this video, Jennifer Hines (CEO) shares her feedback about the modules, process and support received, as well as her experiences and learnings during that time.

SG Partners are a long-term distributor of Adaptable Learning programs. They have been providing blended programs for their client, APS Lighting & Safety, covering sales, sales leadership and emotional resilience coaching.

SG Partners routinely use the Adaptable Learning online modules as a core element of their sales coaching programs. Watch the video to hear how one participant engaged with the program and achieved great results.

“I have truly valued our partnership with Adaptable Learning over the last four years. Clients regularly tell us how much they value the interactive online modules…”
– James Rores | Founder, CEO | Floriss Group

Sign Up To Get a FREE Sample Course
Once you’ve signed up you’ll receive a link and password to access the sample course.